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Illness Prevention’s................Herbs and Remedies:

Prevention of High Blood Pressure ........... Shepherd’s
Purse (2 grams to 50 cms into boiling tea)

Protection against Flu and Colds................. Elder Blossoms (brew tea)

Infections of bronchial passages ...............Selfheal
Prunella vulgaris (used for gargling);;or Dill seed (tea)
Curing Insomnia ..................................Camomile
Prunella vulgaris (used for gargling);;or Dill seed (tea)

Prevent flatulence .............. Fennel Seed (tea)

Hardening of the Arteries.....Daily leaf of Centaury Plant

Prevent or Cure Constipation .... Dandelion Leaf (tea)

Depression and Listlessness .... St. John’s - Wort (tea)

Prevent Kidney Stones ....... Birch Leaf (tea)
